Monday, July 30, 2012


Dad's eye has been bugging him since the surgery and he is seeing double (the Doctors say this will go away). So we decided to buy him some eye patches to help out this problem. I guess Mom wanted to join in on the fun. This is what I came in and saw...pirates!! Needless to say the grand kids are always putting on the patches when Grandpa isn't wearing them. Fun for the whole family!


Anonymous said...

Arg matey! Can wait to tr me on Wednesday! See you in 24 hours dad!!

grammajill said...

a pirate says ARGH! Anyone around a preschooler knows that. Nice pict !

Michael Stratton said...

reminds me of a joke...
"What is a pirate's favorite letter in the alphabet?"

Michael Stratton said...

Most people would think it's "R" (arrrr), but it's actually the "C" (Sea) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dean,

I just got up to speed on things from Wendy A. We wish you the very best through all of this. We'll keep you in our prayer as well.

George (Aspen Press)

Alexi Bullock Design said...

haha this is awesome!! Maybe I should incorporate an eye patch into the logo? I joke... :-)