Saturday, July 14, 2012

Supporting Pops

Me(Greg), Ryan, Jeff, and Sean all decided to join in with Dad and have a head shaving party to show our love and Support for him. I left the small pony tail in the back for Dad to shave off tomorrow when he will remember doing it. Dillon will join in the party too.







Kasey Lighten said...

This is really touching. I get teary-eyed just thinking about your neat family. Trev and I loved seeing Team IronDean last night. Go Team! :)
We are praying for you all. :)

Wendy said...

hilarious boys, but I do have to say gregs is an improvement. :)

Roger said...

So which one was Dean? You all look so much alike. You also look awesome.

Logan said...

I love it. Dean has such an incredible network of support. You guys are amazing!

Jennica said...

Love it! Esp love GREGs touch up!

Alexi Bullock Design said...

I have to say...I'm pretty happy that this happened. My reason's may be selfish, ahem...Greg's hair...but I'm also glad that you guys can show your support to Dean in such a fun way!! You men are amazing, I'm so happy to have you all in my life!!!